Self-Regulation with Accreditation
United Nations Global Compact Network India UNGCNI!

SEAA Trust, New Delhi as a member of the UN Global compact India for the past three years we have been promoting awareness of the 17 SDGs that need to be flushed out before the year 2030 . In the last annual conferences of ours the 15th IAC, the 16th and 17th IAC, the overarching themes were based on Social Impact. Our focus mainly is about the SDG 4 relating to Education and how Business schools should be able to take advantage of the Seven Principles laid down by PRME, a member of United nations in their quest for building globally benchmarked quality using any one of the top rated accreditation agency standards. Please visit our PRME page
ESG (environmental, social, and governance) criteria is going to dictate the future of humans. Huge activity at the corporate, campus and individual level the to spread awareness and knowledge about social impact causing ESG.
At SEAA Trust, New Delhi, we have been conducting a series of social impact related workshops and other campus connect programmes and even ran three of our annual flagship International Conferences on the Social Impact of Business Education theme.
Please visit our Social Impact Assessment page and provide your suggestions for developing useful Rubrics to find out how your Campus is doin terms of social impact responsibilities. Going forward we expect the B-schools to develop a strong curriculum base reflecting their commitment to develop students aware of ESG and Social impact.

SDG compliance is emerging an important aspect of global benchmarked quality building in Education. Accreditation agencies and the ISO (International Standards organisation) explicitly mention UN SDG as a benchmark that needs to be achieved while their standards are being met and complied with.
ISO standards are for instance used as a basis to build public policy to comply with the SDGs relating to public health, human rights, water, energy and education among others.
AACSB for instance to help achieve the intended social impact while using its standards in accreditation advocates in Standards 1, 4 , 8 and 9 the goals set out in the SDG listing.
Please check out link https://youtu.be/ll55IjdUpjg
Business education impacts all of the 17 UN SDGS. However, some of the UN SDGs are more relevant and impactful for business education:
UN SDG 4 - Access to quality education
UN SDG 8 -Decent work and Economic Growth
UN SDG 9 -Industry, innovation and infrastructure
UN SDG 10 – reducing
UN SDG 12 Responsible consumption and production
UN SDG 16 - peace, justice and strong institutions
Maitri Aquatech the Indian fast growing SDG Pioneer
The Hyderabad based water resources company Maithri Aquatech has done some pioneering work in the area of waster availability in the arid regions and has successfully exported its patented water harvesting technology to 27 countries besides supporting a vast number of Indian states. Its patented technology condenses water vapour from air that is then filtered and remineralized for drinking and other uses.
The MEGHDOOT atmospheric water generator uses refrigeration techniques and minimal energy to condense humidity from air. It sucks air through an electrostatic filter, and cooled coils provide a temperature differential that creates condensation. With MEGHDOOT, which in Sanskrit means Messenger of the Sky, the company says it has generated more than 100 million liters of fresh water from air. Ramakrishna Mukkavailli, the Founder and Managing Director of the company is one of UN Global Compact SDG pioneers. #sdgpioneers

UN Global Compact announces new SDG Pioneers
The 2022 SDG Pioneers announced at the UN Global Compact Leaders Summit today are:
Gustavo Cirigliano, Chief Executive Officer, Sofis Solutions, Uruguay
Denise Hills, Sustainability Director for Latin America, Natura &Co, Brazil
Viktor Ivanchyk, Chief Executive Officer, Astarta-Kyiv, Ukraine
Vera Karmeback, Sustainability Manager, RA International, United Arab Emirates
Ramkrishna Mukkavilli, Founder and Managing Director, Maithri Aquatech Pvt Ltd, India
David Orr, Trade and Investment Account Leader, Mott MacDonald, United Kingdom
Gabriel Tan, Director, GUAVA Amenities Pte Ltd, Singapore
Chong Tong, Science & Technology Administrator, Suzhou Power Supply Company of State Grid Corporation of China, China
Dimitar Tsotsorkov, Chairperson of the Supervisory Board of Asarel-Medet JSC, Asarel-Medet JCS, Bulgaria
Iris van Wanrooij, Program Manager Corporate Social Responsibility, EMMA Safety Footwear, the Netherlands
A road map for survival
The severity and magnitude of the challenges before us demand sweeping changes on a scale not yet seen in human history. We must start by ending armed conflicts and embarking on a path of diplomacy and peace – a precondition for sustainable development.
We simply cannot tolerate war and the senseless loss of precious lives and resources it entails. Second, we must adopt low-carbon, resilient and inclusive development pathways that will reduce carbon emissions, conserve natural resources, transform our food systems, create better jobs and advance the transition to a greener, more inclusive and just economy. The road map laid out in the SDGs is clear.
Just as the impact of crises is compounded when they are linked, so are solutions. When we take action to strengthen social protection systems, improve public services and invest in clean energy, for example, we address the root causes of increasing inequality, environmental degradation and climate change. Third, nothing short of a comprehensive transformation of the international financial and debt architecture will be required to accomplish these aims and to avoid a two-track recovery, with developing countries left behind.
The stakes could not be higher. If humanity is to survive, we must survive together, leaving no one behind. Liu Zhenmin Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs
Liu Zhenmin Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs