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successful completion of FDP Workshop 
The two day event had a smooth finish with  enthusiastic participation  with faculty represented from across the country  both in Offline and Online mode. The joint initiative of ISBR  Business School, Association of Indian Management Schools (AIMS) and Standards for Educational Advancement & Accreditation (AIMS)  had almost 20 speakers from India and abroad and participation of  three accreditation systems EFMD, ACBSP and IACBE  directly and two morel AACSB and AMBA-BGA by  experts  familiar with their systems. A book is being compiled by the team to put together  which will be shared soon. 

Similar initiatives would be taken across the regions of AIMS, the southern region vice president of the agency ,Dr Narayana Reddy  announced. 
watch out for the FDPoutcomes book


* Studium  is a game-changer for educational institutions navigating the complex world of accreditation. Our innovative platform acts as a central hub, consolidating data from all corners of your institution. This empowers you to generate reports effortlessly and gain  actionable insights. By leveraging data analytics and AI-powered predictions, Studium helps you tackle accreditation with confidence. Trusted by leading institutions like NMIMS, NICMAR, NIA, and ISBR, Studium  makes achieving excellence a smoother journey, allowing you to prioritize fostering a vibrant learning environment for your students. And hence, making accreditations simpler!

International Accreditation by  World’s  accreditation systems  have come to stay in India. From a mere 1  internationally Accredited school, namely Management Development Institute (MDI) Gurgaon in 2015, the  numbers have swollen to 120 plus today with a further 150 schools processing their international accreditation.  The extraordinary fiat has been achieved by  a strong push given by the leading Business school associations   like Association of Indian Management Schools ( AIMS) and International Accreditation advocacy  organisation SEAA (Standards for Educational Advancement & Accreditation), a New Delhi based non-profit. 

There is much work to be done still considering that there are over 3000 Business schools  today in  India and the New Education Policy NEP rightly insists that future  growth of higher education institutions  would be   anchored around high quality accreditation  received by the institutions.

Keeping in view of the significant focus on accreditation,  ISBR Business School, Bangalore is organizing a Two Days On-Campus Faculty Development Program on International Accreditations in association with the Association of Indian Management Schools (AIMS) on April 5th and 6th 2024 (tentative dates) on its modern high-tech campus. The FDP is organized in partnership with AIMS and SEAA Trust, New Delhi.


About ISBR

ISBR (International School of Business & Research) is an institute with International Education Standards with its first campus set up under the aegis of Bangalore Education Trust established in the year 1990. It is the premier Institute for knowledge creation and dissemination that develops potential management leaders for India and the Global Community. ISBR obtained level 2 autonomy from AICTE and is re-accredited by the NBA. The institute has been receiving recognition as the best industry-linked institute by AICTE CII with a platinum ranking every year since 2016.

About SEAA

Standards for Educational Advancement & Accreditation (SEAA) Trust, New Delhi  founded in 2008 is a 16 year old    non-profit  committed to Self Accreditation propagation through Accreditation as the  organisation is committed to promoting  Peer Reviewed, internationally benchmarked mentor driven  voluntary  accreditation process and brought all the top rated Business Education accreditation agencies on its platform  year on year  without break for the 15 years at its flagship  annual event held every November. The   agencies included AACSB, EFMD, AMBA, BGA, ACBSP, IACBE, SAQS, ATHEA and British Accreditation Council.

 About AIMS

Founded in 1988  consequent to the 1986 National Education Policy that among other things  advocated  Open university system and Rural education models, the Association of Indian Universities  (AIMS) under the Karnataka Societies Registration Act  1960 is now located at  Hyderabad , Telengana State.  The Association represents over 700 business schools of the country  and is committed to advancing high quality management education  in the country. As a part of this commitment, AIMS has been organizing Faculty Development Programmes FDPs in association with  leading universities, independent campuses and foreign  accreditation institutions.

FDP Objectives

  The FDP programme is being organised to understand the common elements in all the accreditation systems,  bring in awareness about the  globally recognised benchmarks of quality and also details of prevailing accreditation processes and systems  to heolp the faculty and leadership  to  benchmark  with the best in their class from around the world. 

The FDP is intended to provide insights into the requirements of major international accreditations and information on the action steps. In addition, it provides a connection with like-minded professionals and learning from experts.





Triple accreditation is an interesting  phenomena in the world of accreditation globally which simply means the schools listed here  have acquired  AACSB, EFMD and AMBA accreditation all three of which considered to be  world's top rated ones by the academic community. 

In India two schools, IIM Calcutta nd IIM Indore are triple accredited at present. 


The accompanying chart is an interesting one  that describes 129 having received their triple accreditation crowns.  The three accreditation agencies involved themselves had accredited: 

AACSB: 1020 accreditations  of which 773 of them were  AACSB only  while the rest 64 were triple crowned and rest of the combinations. 

EFMD: The European Federation's EQUIS accreditation were offered to 221 schools of which 25 had exclusive and the rest were either triple crown (54) and other combinations. 

AMBA: The London based AMBA had 289  accredited schools as of March 31, 2024 according to MBA.Today which had 83 AMBA only 13 triple crown and rest of different combinations. 


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"Bringing together top rated International  Accreditation Agencies  on the same platform since 2008"

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