Self-Regulation with Accreditation
7th SEAA-PGS International Case Competition 2023 & 5th Rhyllis Rae Oedekovan Student Leadership Trophy!
The 2020-30 decade promises to be most significant years in the modern age that would define the future of Humanity. The technology revolution taking place led by AI and Machine Learning seem to be unparalleled and highly disruptive which the modern world has not seen. The Language management tools like ChatGPT has already proved the power of disruption in hardly less than the year of its introduction. There are a huge number of productivity tools are being developed around the world which can be employed in a range of industry and services.
'AI has the potential for civilizational destruction" so says the Guru of AI who has one of the biggest stake in developing this technology, Elon Musk of Tesla fame.

The International Accreditation agencies for their part have been reacting positively in redefining their own assessment methods and constantly updating and releasing standards and principals suited to the new reality. Social impact assessment is the new tool which most of the accreditation systems are adapting. Both the UN Global compact Network and the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) for their part have been pushing the socially impactful practices to the fore which is helping the b-schools among other Higher Educational Institutions to adopt the socially impactful strategies in their working.
We thought it is time that Business Schools and students assessed the real impact of Business Education resulting in a MBA degree.
Our 7th SEAA-Peregrine Global Students International case competition is a continuation of a highly successful annual event which has brought together teams from across the world. It is also benchmarked as one of the most relevant student competitions in Asia for the past six years.
Background to competition: By freeing man to think and creating new wealth of astronomical proportions the new technology tools is redefining not just technology use but also the way the society is responding. With increased wealth and ironically more unemployment, the challenge would be to ensure redistributive justice so that the prosperity is not garnered by a few but enjoyed by all. With machines doing most the task in manufacturing and service industry the word productivity needs to be redefined.
The B-school curriculum and pedagogy is tuned to the older version of the industry and services while the newer version is completely different and in many ways still evolving. B-schools still have opportunity to realign their offering suited to the emerging challenges while at the same time take advantage of the evolving nature of the industry to redefine its own curriculum.
SEAA-PGS International Case Competition workshop *
The Theme of the workshop: “Winning strategies for building Socially Impactful MBAs”
The workshop would have an eminent panel of experts from academia and industry discussing the theme.
First three winner teams would be presenting their case discussion videos.
There would be varied cash prizes for all the three teams besides certificates for the members of wining teams.
All the other selected team members would be given competition participation certificates
The 5th Rhyllis Rae Oedekoven Student Leadership trophy be presented to the winning school.
All the winning teams would be provided with a slot of about 5 minutes to speak at the workshop*
Thanks in advance and Best Wishes for the participating teams.
*The workshop date would be announced shortly

The last date for submission of Essay (not exceeding 3000 words excluding charts, Tables and histograms) is January 30, 2024
The Theme: “Winning strategies for building Socially Impactful MBAs”
Sub-themes :
1. Human Resource mapping for Industry 4.0.
2. Redefining Sustainability concept
3. Understanding Sustainability Impact of UN SDGs
4. Curriculum redesign to reflect social impact goals of Business Education
5. Accreditation agencies and social impact assessment
6. Leadership building strategies for a sustainable future
KEY DATES: Round 1: Essays submission by January 30, 2024
Round 2: Video submission February 10 , 2024

We are inviting the nominations for shortlisting potential award winners of the "2nd Olin Oedekoven International Accreditation leadership award" instituted in 2022 after the unfortunate demise of one of the finest education leaders of the world who founded the Peregrine Global Services, our academic partners.
The nominations are for senior faculty and leadership of B-schools in India and abroad who have contributed in the area of International Accreditation by either leading or participating in accreditation processes implemented in their respective institutions. Nomination form link

Announcing the 5th Rhyllis Rae Oedekoven Student leadership Trophy!
We have been awarding the Rhyllis Rae Oedekoven Trophy the last four years to the winning Team (1st) at the International Case competition.
You could pay your Team registration fee of Rs 3000 per team using UPI atraman@okhdfcbank or scan the QR code given on the right. Once payment is done 1 or more registrations you could fill out our form from this link and send us further attendee team details.
Wire transfer could be made to our SEAA Trust, Punjab National Bank current account number 51511131001018. Branch is Aryan public school, Vaishali, Ghaziabad, UP. IFSC code is PUNB0515110