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Global Accreditation Agencies

Please visit individual agency pages from the links given below!

There are a number of accreditation agencies operating from different parts of the world accrediting business education. We have been closely tracking most of these top rated accreditation agencies with the criteria  of listing only agencies  that are validated by external evaluators. For example, the    ACBSP and IACBE were vetted by Council  for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) in USA. AACSB is adhering to ISO 9001:2015 and the AMBA,  BGA, BAC etc., being vetted by the independent European Quality Register and the Quality Accreditation Agency (QAA). The only exception is the India based   accreditor South Asian Quality System (SAQS) which we track. Below mentioned  are a brief description of each of the International Accreditation agencies we track  with the links pointing to the exclusive pages we have created for each individual association.


The more than  a century old pioneering accreditation agency, AACSB International based in Tampa, Florida is considered as a Gold Standard  for accreditation. More

The Brussels based European "Federation for Management Development (EFMD) administers European Quality Systems EQUIS. The Federation also offers BSIS, EDAF and EOCCS. (more)

The London based  Association of MBAs AMBA is one of the fastest growing international accreditation agencies with significant presence in India. (more) 

Business Graduates Association is the latest service of AMBA with an institutional accreditation focus. The institutions undergoing the BGA process could also opt for AMBA-BGA accreditation process which is a new variation of the AMBA  offer.(more)

Accreditation Council for Business Schools & Programs (ACBSP), ACBSP currently has 1,297 member campuses, 221 of which are located outside of the U.S. Of those campuses, 952 have achieved accreditation and more than 150 are in candidacy for accreditation. Individual members on these campuses now exceed 12,000. (more)

The Kansas based relatively newer accreditation agency, International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education IACBE is emerging a big player in the South Asian region (more)

The Hyderabad based South Asian Quality System  SAQS focusing on  South Asian countries  is emerging as a strong player in the region (more)


Not every school would ready for accreditation, even though most would like to avail of the rigorous standards and processes set by the agencies. What if the elements of accreditation is combined with learning to inch towards global quality regime?

Also networking is one of significant fall out of accreditation process which of course need to be maintained to derive maximum benefit for the school. Agencies have set up their own platforms to enable schools to network and learn from the accreditation process.

AACSB Exchange is a meeting place for schools  and it is also a sort of alumni  networking platform for AACSB schools  and even faculty from schools who attend AACSB events

EFMD's corporate learning improvement process CLIP is a networking platform for working executives

For more details on the accreditation agencies  please click the links given


AACSB                21
EFMD                    8
AMBA                 14
ACBSP                17
IACBE                   6
SAQS                   20

TOTAL                 86

Triple crown accreditation

Triple crown accreditation refers to a business school being accredited by the three most prestigious international accreditation bodies for business schools, namely AACSB,EFMD & AMBA. In india there are three such schools ISB Hyderabad, IIM C & IIM Indore

More accreditation agencies permitted to join the International Accreditation agencies listing USA

The United States is divided into six accreditation regions: New England, Middle States, North Central, Southern, Western and Northwest. Seven accrediting commissions operate in these regions. All regional accrediting commissions are institutional  accreditation bodies.  They have been recently permitted to undertake international  accreditation like the three accreditation bodies,  AACSB, ACBSP and IACBE.

In India already WASC  representing the Western region is active working with prominent B-schools like the Amity Business School Noida.

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"Bringing together top rated International  Accreditation Agencies  on the same platform since 2008"

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