Self-Regulation with Accreditation
"Let every quality business school in the world be accredited" ACBSP credo!
ACBSP member & Candidate schools
St Gits Institute of Management Kottayam
Presidency University Kolkata
*Member school & the rest are Candidate schools

ACBSP -Accreditation Council for Business Schools & Programs is the only global accrediting body, which accredits business programs at the associate, baccalaureate, and graduate degree levels. The membership extends to more than 60 countries, more than 1,200 member campuses and 13,000 individual members. ACBSP also has the biggest presence in India in terms of the number of schools accredited by any of the top five international accreditation agencies operating in the country. There are at present 17 accredited schools and 8 member schools of which seven in candidacy mode of ACBSP in India.
It is the second agency to be recognized by Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA), the apex regulatory advisory body of America. Accreditation done by ACBSP conforms to the standards set by Malcolm Balridge Award for excellence.
1. PSG Institute of Management Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
2. ICBM - School of Business Excellence Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
3. Jansons School of Business Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
4. School of Communication & Management Studies (SCMS Group) Cochin, Kerala
5. Apeejay School of Management Studies Delhi
6. C K Shah Vijapurwala Institute of Management, Vadodara, Gujarat
7. Lovely Professional University Phagwara, Punjab
8. Xavier Institute of Management & Entrepreneurship (XIME) Bangalore, Karnataka
9. Asian School of Business Management (ASBM) Bhubaneshwar, Orissa
10. Justice Hegde Institute of Management Udupi, Karnataka
11. SIES-College of Management Studies (SIESCOMS), Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra
12. Rajagiri College of Social Sciences society, Cochin, Kerala
13. SDMIMD, Mysore, Karnataka
14. VIT University - Business School, Vellore, Tamil Nadu
15. VIT Chennai
16. PSGR Krishnammal College for Women - Dept. of Management, Coimbatore
17. Kristu Jayanti College, Bangalore
18. KCT Business School
*listing based on the order of obtaining the accreditation. First accreditation was that of PSG was obtained in 2010. At the moment there are 8 schools having Candidate status.
There are several steps involved to complete the ACBSP accreditation process
Membership application providing details of official compliance of education regulation of the country. In this case the AICTE approval or NBA certification, NAAC certification, UGC approval among other documents. Any one or two documents should suffice.
Application for Candidacy needs to be made giving details of the course, the faculty and other institutional details. In a well run organisations with long history of existence both the applications could be made together after checking with the ACBSP secretariat.
Mentor is appointed after the Candidacy is approved
Preliminary questionnaire needs to be filled up prior to taking up the self study through the online Campus labs portal of ACBSP.
Mentor may suggest modifications to the preliminary questionnaire
Mentor may visit the campus and help the school to close the gaps
Self study document work begins with the help of the mentor
Intent to submit self study with a timeline should be submitted before September 1st for a December 15th submission, or March 1st for a July 15th submission.
A site-visit team would be appointed by ACBSP after receiving the intent to submit.
Visits are scheduled each February and March, and permit review and action by the Accreditation Board in April.
Visits in September and October would permit review and action by the Board in November.
The team of evaluators receive access to the self-study four weeks prior to the site-visit.
A consensus call will be made by the team to discuss strengths, opportunities for
improvement, and site-visit issues two weeks prior to the visit.
The mentor and the assigned commissioner will be invited to participate in the call.
The team chair should share site visit issues with the campus accreditation coordinator.
The site team visits the campus and files a feedback report to ACBSP within ten business-days following the visit.
The findings of the evaluators are first reviewed by the ACBSP staff for completeness and then access is provided to the business program accreditation coordinator for review.
The president's response is provided in the reporting portal at least ten business days prior to the meeting of the Board of Commissioners.
The Board of Commissioners review the self-study, evaluators’ report and institutional response by the president at its meeting each April or November to consider accreditation requests and to award accreditation to those institutions that are in compliance with ACBSP standards.
Action by the Board of Commissioners is informally reported to the institution immediately following the meeting. The formal notice of board actions taken can take , up to two months to complete. ACBSP being a proponent of continuous improvement, most institutions receive accreditation with conditions and notes.
Accreditation is effective immediately. Accredited status can be released to the public after all expenses are paid.
Accredited business programs receive their accreditation certificate during the accreditation banquet at the conference held every June.
Congratulations to KCT Business School
We are happy to congratulate KCT Business School for getting their ACBSP accreditation. We want to specially congratulate the team and the leadership of KCT for this fiat. Grateful for meeting and interacting with Shankar Vanavarayar for his leadership and Dr Mary Cherian, the Chairman Board of Studies for steering the faculty team.

1. Leadership
The business unit must have systematic leadership processes that promote performance excellence and continuous improvement. Values and expectations must be integrated into the business unit's leadership process to enable the business unit to address its societal responsibilities and community involvement.
2 Strategic Planning
The business unit must have a systematic process for developing a strategic plan that leads to continuous improvement. The strategic plan must include implementation goals and progress measures.
3 Student and Stakeholder Focus
The business unit must have a systematic process to determine requirements and expectations of current and future students and other key stakeholders. The process must measure stakeholder participation and satisfaction and use the results for continuous improvement.
4 Student Learning Assessment
The business unit must have a systematic student learning outcomes assessment process and plan that leads to continuous improvement. Student learning outcomes must be developed and implemented for each accredited program, and the results must be communicated to stakeholders.
5 Faculty Focus
The business unit must have a systematic process to ensure current and qualified faculty members by:
Fostering teaching excellence
Aligning faculty credentials and skill sets with current and future program objectives
Evaluating faculty members based on defined criteria and objectives
Ensuring faculty development including scholarly and professional activity
6 Curriculum
The business unit must have a systematic process to ensure continuous improvement of curriculum and program delivery. The curriculum must be comprised of appropriate business and professional content to prepare graduates for success.
7 Business Unit Performance
The business unit must have a systematic process to identify and track key student performance measures for the purpose of continuous improvement. The business unit must ensure adequate resources and services to support its programs.

ACBSP Presentation by Steve Parscale, Chief Accreditation Officer of ACBSP at the SEAA Trust,
3-day 14th International Accreditation conference 2021