Self-Regulation with Accreditation

Standards for Educational Advancement & Accreditation (SEAA) Trust, New Delhi is pleased to announce the prize winners of the hard-won 8th Peregrine-SEAA Students International Case competition 2024. The run up to the battle was very tough with 29 teams participating from India and abroad. The student symposium was organised jointly with our Academic partners Peregrine Global Services (PGS) based in Gillette in Wyoming USA and was hosted by Chitkara University Punjab
A Student Symposium was arranged as a Hybrid event inviting all the participating team membes to announce the award at the Chitkara University Punjab campus near Delhi on November 25, 2024 . SEAA International Student Case Competition 2024. The first prize winners also get to keep the 6th Rhyllis Rae Oedekoven Student Leadership Trophy.
Key Note address was delivered by the Veteran Sustainability expert Dr Ashok Pandey Transformative Education Leader, Author, Championing Global Citizenship and Sustainability in Education at the symposium.​
Congratulations for all the prize winners at the competition which was quite tough this time.
There were a total of 29 teams participating in the 2 rounds competition. The theme of the competition was
"Social impact focus on building leaders for an ESG led world."
The first round was an essay round & the second was the video submission round.
The winners were chosen by an group of jury members drawn from India and Abroad.
The First position was won by the team from Christ ( deemed) University Bangalore! The team had chosen "Is ESG the only sustainable global solution for corporates"
Second position teams were two and the first winning team had chosen "Universitas Padjajaran Indonesia chose 'Beyond compliance: strengthening ESG Frameworks to combat Greenwashing and promote social impact accountability" as their theme.
The second prize wining team from ICFAI Online had chosen "A Unified approach: ESG and international Accreditation agencies"
The third prize went to our conference hosts Chitkara University team who chose "Can reporting system bring out transparency in corporate working? What alternatives can be there to make business more accountable"
Of the two Special Mention prizes went to ASBM University Bhubaneshwar had chosen "Is ESG the only sustainable global solution for corporates? And Can a reporting system bring out transparency in corporate working what alternatives can there be to make businesses accountable?"
Second Special mention went to Soundarya University of Management sciences Bangalore and the topic was "Indian SEBI Framework, does it differ in any way with the global ESG Frameworks?.
All essays submitted were of great quality and we plan to create and link some of the best Student papers submitted to discern what the future generation thinks about managing ESG Frameworks to help save the world. The very fact we had to chose two second prizes and also ask the Jury to select schools for Special mention shows how close the battle of wits was during the competition phase.
Two Second Prizes


The human kind which systematically destroyed the mother earth seem to be checking and retracing its steps. It could be argued that it is too little too late but optimistically we could see that technology advancement and spread of education is making people aware of their responsibility to save the earth for the future generations. What needs to be done is serious advocacy and aggregating interested groups to take affirmative action before it is too late.
Evidence is everywhere that there are serious efforts to bring back the earth from the brink. At the crest United Nations Global Compact of which SEAA Trust, New Delhi has been a member for a few years now is pushing its 17 sustainable development goals SDGs in 198 countries worldwide and the concept of ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) frameworks for corporate and government compliance is being pushed to the fore. Worldwide ESG compliance has become a norm rather than exception.
Within our limited platform of Higher Business Education Quality advocacy we find institutions like PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education) on United Nations is also pushing the schools for raising their standards to instil environment consciousness in future leadership.
SEAA Trust, New Delhi has been striving hard as members of UNGCNI to incorporate Social Impact concept into MBA education so that new concepts like ESG are understood by future leaders being minted at the campuses. Our 15th, 16th and now the 17th annual conference is studiously adhering to the social impact theme. ​

The Theme: “social impact focus on building leaders for ESG. led world'
Is ESG the only sustainable global solution for corporates? ( Take any two ESG framework and help unravel how society is impacted positively by this activity)
Indian SEBI ESG framework, does it differ in any way with the global ESG frameworks?
Can a reporting system bring out transparency in corporate working, what alternatives can there be to make businesses accountable
Many business schools have stated taking ESG seriously, can you provide a brief outline of an ESG course?
International accreditation agencies and ESG, how much more do you think needs to be done? Give one accreditation agency example to suggest how their standards are being modified or reinterpreted keeping ESG in focus
Are the corporate and the Campuses taking the UN SDGs seriously, can UNGCI goal of 2030 be met?
​​6th Rhyllis Rae Student Leadership Trophy goes to the Winning Team

successfully concluded
The competition has been an enriching experience for us, especially as many of us explored ESG topics for the first time. It has broadened our understanding and may indeed inspire future careers in this crucial field. We wholeheartedly share your vision of creating a greater social impact through education, tackling issues like climate change, and driving awareness across campuses, governments, companies, and society.
We are also glad to know that the exchange of ideas during this competition was mutually beneficial. It motivates us further to engage in meaningful contributions toward such causes - Rio Anggara