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Concluded successfully! see you at 18th IAC in Nov 2025

This is no fun! Saving earth is serious business  and it is the generation that this kid represents are going to be worst hit   as everything around them  are on the brink of collapse and it is left to this generation-call it Gen X, Y Z or whatever- whose responsibility it is to restore order and in less than 20 years when this kid and his generation would start  inheriting our sordid  legacy. Blaming the past generations is lame and we still have time to do something, anything.  But we need to do it right!  

Our annual International Accreditation Conference  happening for the 17th year in succession supported by all the top rated Busyness Management Accreditation systems of the world  is continuing with its campaign to bring to focus the social impact causing  elements in building leadership at our HEIs to  save  and sustain the Earth for the future generations!  The conference has been hosted by Chitkara University Punjab  and being held at their sophisticated  state of the art campus at Rajpura near Chandigarh. 

We have put together  a plethora of speakers starting with the International Accreditation agency leadership, industry doyens and academic leaders from around the world  to discuss  as to how to bring the focus on building Social Impact causing  leadership for an ESG led world.   ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) the three key terms that is already influencing  nearly $ 38 trillion  worth investment in Industry.  ESG Frameworks are being evolved in many countries including India  to help the companies fall in line to Save the Earth and sustain its potential in foreseeable future.         

We be updating the programme details in the above link when necessary! 

17th IAC Invited  speakers

M: +91 9811297249, 9313207251

Academic Partner

"Bringing together top rated International  Accreditation Agencies  on the same platform since 2008"

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